Saturday, 4 July 2015

A little life change: the round-up

Suffice it to say, the past few fleetin' weeks have been quite the madness, (lamentably) leaving my little lifestyle journal somewhat neglected. Against this busy backdrop, I thought it might be apt to - as the title teases - round up recent weeks in the most pain-free way possible. I wanna keep y'all in the loop.

#1: Totally Grad
After four fruitful years - at times tricky, overall amazing - I concluded my uni life with a first-class honours degree, accompanied by a first-class graduation at Durham Cathedral. The end of an era, for sure, but by no means a permanent goodbye to my most-cherished chums - and my, did we end on a high!

#2: EyeEm Hired
My original post-uni plan to play things to-ta-lly by ear on the job front took an unexpected, indeed most welcome, turn, when my dream job cropped up at my dream company, EyeEm. Although in the midst of my final exams and personal tragedy, there was simply no way I was gonna let this opportunity slip through the net. One two-week application process later and I was OVERTHEFLIPPINMOON to learn that my efforts and enthusiasm had paid off: as of July 1st 2015, I was to be EyeEm's newly appointed Social Media Manager (starting a mere seven days after graduation)!

#3: Back to Berl
This necessarily brings me to Punkt 3 (which you've no doubt gathered by now): after a rather rapid post-uni pack, unpack and pack again, I'm now livin' and lovin' life in my beloved Berlin, where I plan to settle indefinitely. Hurrah! So, on the back of the lowest low, these past weeks have ended on the highest of highs. As mind-numbingly cheesy as it sounds, my personal lil dreams really have come true all at once (and a lot quicker than I'd ever anticipated, too). There's no denyin' I've still got a bunch of challenges to contend with, but really, bring it. After all, good things come to those who wait hustle.