Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Weekly wisdom #10

The simplest of slogans, and indeed the most fundamental of life functions, but it's amazing how easy it is to forget to just b r e a t h e – as in, really, breathe. It's something I often need to remind myself (and incidentally now you, too). Just for good measure, enjoy this lil musical nudge courtesy of Nao:

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Issues that Matter: stand up for slow journalism

To me, switching off from my near entirely screen-oriented life with a good coffee and a good read is the ultimate kinda luxury. No doubt, I'm not the only one who cherishes those ever-rare moments of disconnected down time! 

Though the digitally dominated sphere has certainly had its negative ramifications for the print world, there's simultaneously - and happily, for me - been a refreshing resurgence in high quality, carefully curated creative publications. It's within this realm of top-notch, tangible reading material that Matter Magazine (founded by my achingly astute and straight up lovely friend Annie Fairchild) is firmly positioned. A first class amalgam of beautiful design, photography and academic essays, Matter is a creative crusader for slow journalism amidst our fast news culture. 

So: this is an unapologetic shout out to a very praiseworthy project that can only keep running with a little (monetary) lovin'. For its upcoming issue, 'A Lens Inverted - Essays on Great Britain,' Matter is raising funds via Indiegogo - with sweet perks for the benevolent backers. 

This is a different sorta post for me, and by no means paid promo. But I've seen firsthand the integrity, passion and damn hard work that goes on behind the scenes, and that sh*t deserves support.