Friday, 21 February 2014


¡Ay familia! I've just been lucky enough to spend five sweet days with two sweet ladies (even if it did fly by a little rápido). I hadn't yet had any offshore visitors while living here, so it was super nice to be able to play tour-guide-cum-translator for a lil while and show mamá and siblet the Spanish spots that've become so familiar to me over the past half a year or so. We spent two nights based in central Madrid (in the really recommendable Artrip hotel), followed by another two in nearby (and totally beautiful) Toledo. We packed a
lotta things in. Siblet even met her actual alma gemela [soul mate] in teeny tiny form. Here's a petite potpourri of pics:


Artrip balcony

Plaza Mayor

Toma Café 


Chueca // Malasaña

Leila - sorry - Victoria, meets Victoria - sorry - Leila.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

This week I'm lovin'

Morning runs along Madrid's illustrious museum boulevard, Paseo del Prado. Not the shabbiest of routes.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Ja(rs) Rule

I do love an unorthodox food/bev vessel. Drinking is just more FUN out of jars. Yesterday afternoon's post-workout jar snackette was an experimental avo-based blend. Before ya wince, avocados make the creamiest and indeed yummiest smoothies, as well as providin' a super source of healthy fats - don't knock it just yet. On top of packing an extra vit punch, fruit and veg combinations are more balanced on the taste buds, too (I reckon). 


1/2 an avocado
 1/2 a beet
1/2 a carrot
1 pear
1 handful of raspberries
2 mandarines
a few splashes of oat milk

To embellish:
 a drizzle of honey 
a pinch of cinnamon

P.S. Avocado and mango (with a squeeze of lime) is also a winning pairing!

So gooood.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Moleskine musings

Yeahyeah, I'm a total sucker for cringe inspirational stimuli, but my daily diary doodles sure do keep me motivated! Laters, procrastination.

Today: words < ACTIONS