Sunday, 13 October 2013

District dawdlin'

Yesterday was one of those gleefully gratifying days when I really, really couldn't have been much more c o n t e n t. I took advantage of my sábado [Saturday] off with a real rigorous root around Madrid's Malasaña district, the capital's vibrant and buzzy cultural core. Since emerging as the hub of post-Franco Spain's effervescent, freewheeling art scene in the late 70s/early 80s, known as La Movida Madrileña (spearheaded by Pedro Almodóvar, Alaska and Ouka Leele to name a tiny few), this bustling barrio continues to be the stomping ground of avant-garde kinda cats with creative cravings and liberal leanings. A dazzlin' display of vintage boutiques, caffeine dens (I've now been well and truly courted by my go-to casa de cafés), music stores and street style. Not to mention a healthy bit of grit.

The high-spirited heart of the neighbourhood is definitely to be found in the Plaza del Dos de Mayo, where I merrily chanced upon  Dosde Market, Malasaña's independent design mercado (below).

Call me super sad if you will, but, post-wander, sat in my beloved Toma Café with good coffee(s), good beats and a good read, I was just so happy

Oh, stop it you...


Ahh I love this city. LOVE IT.

* my fresh finds'll be up on my guide-to-be!

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