Sunday, 22 September 2013

¡I need a bebida!

It was only going to be a matter of time before I'd wanna go on my coffee shop hunt here, so I used my free sábado [Saturday] to scour Madrid city in search of potential caffeine hit haunts. Amongst some other things, obviously. 

I'm sure I'll fashion some kinda Madrid guía [guide] à la the Berlin one I made earlier (once I feel knowledgable enough to do so of course), but in the meantime I shall just waffle about individual finds I come across on my little Spanish adventures.

So! My favourite and best spot so far: Toma Café.

Off the tourist track on Calle de la Palma, this pequeño but perfectly formed coffee/cake hangout (or 'casa de cafés & espressos' as it prefers) is a laid-back and lovely lugar [place] with a chilled atmosphere, sweet tunes, a cool clientele and a resplendent array of sugary treats. With its rather unorthodox but nonetheless super cute seating set-up and very aesthetically pleasing interior, not to mention its amazin' bebida [drink] presentation, Toma Café has gone straight to the top spot. It also has a bicycle theme; I'm not totally sure why. But I like it. 

Iced latte. Coz it's SO HOT here. Sorry.
I know the whole putting-drinks-in-jars phenomenon is a bit of a Marmite situation, with haters assigning it the all-pervasive 'pretentious' label. Hmm. Personally, I embrace an alternative vessel in which to store my bev of choice. And I think it's fitting for this kind of place; it enhances the overall experience and adds to its cute, quirky charm. But that's just me.

A floating bicicleta; why not.

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