Monday, 4 November 2013

CentroCentro: El Arte del Presente {Colleción Helga de Alvear}

While art aficionados can certainly satisfy their cultural cravings at the most eminent of Madrid's museums, the "guidebook go-tos" if ya like, I've found that there really is much more to the art scene here than the likes of (the indubitably impressive) El Prado and La Reina Sofia. Plus, if like me you're not totally enthusiastic about the hordes of gallery goers these kinda places lure, you'll most probably embrace the more overlooked (but no less worthy) of the city's artsy hotspots. 

Exhibition space and all-round cultural core CentroCentro sure-as-dammit qualifies as one of these. Housed in the architecturally sound Palacio de Cibeles edificio [building], CentroCentro is a veritable gem for contemporary art buffs and architecture appreciators alike. For those partial to a pretty panorama, the site also boasts a viewing platform to peer over part of the city. And the cute little gift shop's worth a visit too.

However! On this occasion, I was keen to check out contemporary art exhibition El Arte del Presente [The Art of the Present], before it closed its doors on November 3rd. Well worth the cost of entrada at a super slender €2.50 (for students, at least), the collection was packed with some seriously striking visual art from a real plethora of disciplines. All the artists showcased have been supported in one way or another by Spain's most comprehensive contemporary art gatherer, Helga de Alvear. Hence the name cred. The refreshing intermingling of media and expressive forms, including video, installation, photography, drawing and sculpture, totally reflects Helga's interest in the works as entities rather than favouring a specific discipline. This made for a real fresh and eclectic mix of work. Here's a teeny taster:

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